How to travel for less

Traveling is the most exciting thing you can do if you ask us, but it can also be very expensive. But don’t worry we have few easy tips and tricks to make your travel and your bank account happy. Because you really don’t have to be rich to travel. Just follow these simple hints.

Probably best doughnuts you can buy in British Columbia

We thought it’s right about time for a little sweet treat. We don’t know anyone how can say no to a donut and a cup of good coffee. And we found a couple of places that can provide one or another, but this one combines both of them!

Amazing Airbnb rentals in Paris

Dreaming about a little apartment with a view of Eiffel tower, or a beautiful home with a garden? In Paris everything is possible! And the best part is, you don’t have to commit for life. Just rent one of this stunning apartments through AIRBNB service and enjoy being Parisian for a while!