How to travel for less

Traveling is the most exciting thing you can do if you ask us, but it can also be very expensive.
But don’t worry we have few easy tips and tricks to make your travel and your bank account happy.
Because you really don’t have to be rich to travel. Just follow these simple hints.


Be flexible with flight schedule. Use flight search engines like Skyscanner, Kayak or momondo to find the best date for departure. Sometimes, the ticket price will be a significantly different day, or two days later.

Fly during the week. According to FareCompare cheapest days to fly, U.S. domestic are usually Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays. To fly internationally: the cheapest days are weekdays comparing to weekends. So if it’s possible, spare the weekend for sightseeing instead of flying.

Joining a Frequent Flyer Program can have benefits. First of all, it’s totally free. And second, you’ll earn points while traveling, which you can use them for rewards. If you collect enough, you can exchange them later for a flight, an upgrade or a hotel.

Planning a holiday on the road? Try to spend more time in one place. Fewer places mean fewer flights and taxis, or less fuel. It can also mean hotel and Airbnb’s deals for staying longer than for one night only.

Photo by Tim Wright on Unsplash


Renting apartment instead of a hotel room is an excellent option and can be a real money saver. Try services like Airbnb, HomeAway, VRBO and for best offers.

You can go one step further and try to swap your house. Have you seen the movie “Holiday”? With Home Exchange, you can try to switch your home for a while. Or if you’re more low-maintenance you can always try to couch surf.


Take advantage of a prepaid travel money card. Check if your bank offers one and use it to save on currency conversions and currency exchange. This way you will always know how much you pay, regardless of the currency exchange rate.

Using your phone abroad can generate a lot of costs. Ask yourself a question: do you really need a constant internet access? You can check your email account in hotel or coffee shop. If not, the best option is a prepaid card with internet data.

Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash


Check a local website for some free activities. There is usually a lot of different things you can do totally for free like farmers markets, street fairs, open-air concerts or outdoor cinema. Some museums and art galleries have free entries on special occasions or even regularly on some days of the week. You can also go to the beach, hike or just stroll through the city.

Don’t get caught in a tourist trap. Shopping and eating near tourist attractions may seem like a good idea, but it’s going to make you broke. Walk just a few streets away and then look for something to eat. The best solution is to look for a recommendation from local bloggers and websites.

No matter what style of travel you’ll choose, the most important thing is to have fun. Hopefully, our list will be helpful for your next adventure!

Cover photo by Freddy Castro on Unsplash